After months of this ritual, and a few litres of coffee, I found myself with mountains of portraits, each on an A4 sheet of white paper, in black ink, invading the tiny room I was renting. I thought they were great, side by side, with their different expressions, they were literally alive, and I wanted to find a space for them to express the life that emanated from them...
...Well, I'll tell you the anecdote...
Un type est venu visiter l'appartement, j'avais prévu de déménager. Lors de la visite, je l'observais, je me disais, mince, ces traits-là sont différents, j'aimerais vraiment le dessiner - mais en deux secondes il était déjà reparti, et je me retrouvais seule face à ma feuille de papier. Je me suis donc mise à le croquer de mémoire, vite, immédiatement, avant de l'oublier.
A guy came to look at the flat, as I was planning to move. During the visit, I was looking at him, thinking, gosh, those lines are different, I'd really like to draw him - but in two seconds he'd gone again, and I was left alone with my sheet of paper. So I started sketching it from memory, quickly, immediately, before I forgot about it.