FEITO EM Spring – Summer 15 // Lookbook

Several times a year the scenario is repeated. We take a flight in the morning from Paris to go to Porto.
A little more than a 2 hour flight later, Miguel, one of our suppliers, picks us up at the airport. The car hits the road in the direction of Braga. We change the time on our watches. Mandatory stop at the bakery which is always the same one near his factory. A few meters away, behind the stadium, is his brother Marco and a dozen labourers who work there. The atmosphere is relaxed with a family environment.
4-5 days spent in the rain, heat waves, wind… we looked around the factories that are sometimes more than an hour away from each other. There, Eugenia takes care of jackets, Pedro takes care of jumpers and Vitor takes care of shorts… At noon we gobble down a francesinha or something else quick… We pick up the pace a little more, the car races down the cobbled streets of small villages and among the viney-ards as far as the eye can see, there are gigantic trees too… Sometimes we get stuck behind a cart… It’s then when our gaze is lost in the architecture, tiled houses and authenticity of the people.

We lay the table with fabrics, technical forms, buttons… There is a rainbow of colours, shapes and textures. We take a small break in the vegetable garden, or on the football pitch of the garden. It’s apperitif time, we drink a few glasses of Porto in the family kitchen. Miguel and his father play the accordion.
As night falls we end the day with the two brothers at the restaurant « A cabana », facing the ocean. There is an abundance of fish, meat, laughter and excellent Portuguese wines. We stagger back to the hotel … We talk about the collection, projects, life …The «Feito Em» collection is a kind of tribute to this neighbouring land that has become our «second home» and also to our friends and manufacturers.
S: Dedication to Miguel for vomiting at the fabric suppliers the morning after a skin full and to Marco for his speedy driving in the emergency lane so that we never missed the plane.