The same logic we use to choose organic, locally sourced produce from small farmers over the supermarket aisle applies here: supporting a 100% independent brand like OLOW is ultimately making the same kind of conscious decision.
Since 2006, we have stood by a single principle: to stay independent. Against all odds and despite tempting opportunities for rapid growth, we’ve remained committed to making every decision on our own terms, from running our small business to the way we live our lives.
An ethical choice, a win-win philosophy where everyone plays a part, from our manufacturers and their teams to our customers, including the spinners, retailer partners, or simply our own team. A steadfast commitment to fair pricing and the use of responsible, natural, or recycled materials only. We offer high-quality, durable clothing made within a limited radius, rather than halfway across the world.
In a world where many brands follow the dictates of their investors or the groups they are now tethered to, we have chosen to remain independent, transparent, free, and human-scale. Without the stress of figures, schedules, targets…
This freedom extends to our creative process. OLOW is, above all, a creative studio where collections are co-designed with artists who share our values. Without any limits or commercial constraints.
A deliberately artisanal and authentic approach to creation, where human connections, touch, materials, poetry, and above all, joy take center stage. Unique garments, rich with stories, that bring happiness and lightness to an otherwise dull world.