LA MEUTE – A really fierce exhibition
Together with my mate the Dasswassup dude and at the hour of the aperitif, we rolled up at the gallery “Le Rayon Vert” for the opening of the exhibition “The Pack”. Despite the 200 people who were clustered in front of the various canvas (police union source), we were able to wander around on both floors and admire the really cool cocktail art that Tangi Jossic and friend Gnot Guedin had concocted. For the occasion, these two guys had gathered together a collection frommore than 20 fierce artists: Illustrators, cartoonists, graffiti artists and graphic designers…
Bingo, Gwendoline Blosse, Cecily, Chae 46 Tiles Line Key (CHKP), Florent Cocherel Craoman, Nicolas Galkowski Romain Gautreau, Martin Girardeau, Dav Guedin, Gnot Guedin, Tangi Jossic, Kazy, Elodie Olivier, Fanny barley, Pedro , Pich, Missouri Rousseau, Olivier Texier and Toma (CHKP)
The exhibition is open until July 5, 2013!
Le Rayon Vert, 1 rue Sainte Marthe 44100 Nantes. Tel: 02 40 71 88 27 / /